kam chakr (MSM2c)

(1.13) To know the truth is the underlying condition necessary for every business transaction and social relation.

(2.13) Knowledge of cause & effect allows men to plan courageously and execute fearlessly.

(3.13) Need, want, and desire–in the largest sense–induce, guide, and determine action.

(8.13) Success depends upon spiritual power.

The “truth” –in this context– is what you and others believe.

(8.18) The source of all disfunction is destructive thought.

(3.18) Faith is the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things unseen.

(2.18) Many fail to secure harmonious conditions because they do not understand this law–there is no polarity, they have not found the circuit.

(1.18) The secret to the solution of every problem is to apply spiritual truth.

Destructive thought does NOT support our ideal state of being.

Polarity must exist between what we think and what we desire.

Spiritual truth is believing in and acting upon a knowledge of cause & effect.

kam chakr (MSM2b)

(1.12) Constructive thinking is the condition precedent of all constructive action.

(2.12) Possessions are of value only as they confer power.

(3.12) Inductive reasoning is a method of study which has revealed a reign of law which marks an epoch in human progress.

(8.12) The true value of wealth is its exchange value.

Constructive thinking and constructive action support of our ideal state of being. We are possessed by the things that consume our attention.

(8.19) The source of all harmony is constructive thinking.

(3.19) Cause & effect is the pattern within nature by which faith is brought forth into manifestation.

(2.19) A conscious recognition is the law of attraction/cause & effect with the intention of bringing it into existence for a definite purpose results in success.

(1.19) The advantage of spiritual methods is they are always available.

Applying cause & effect to our thinking and actions is spirituality.


kam chakr (MSM1d)

(1.4) We relate to the Universal Mind by the subconscious mind. The solar plexus is the organ of this mind.

(2.4) Conscious mind has the faculty of discrimination. It has the power of reasoning. It is the seat of the will and may impress the subconscious.

(3.4) The distribution of energy throughout the body may be interrupted by resistant, critical, discordant thought, but especially by fear.

(8.4) Daydreaming is a form of mental dissipation while the imagination is a form of constructive thought, which precedes all constructive action.

Universal Mind is the source of unlimited creative potential.

(8.7) Mind is the very real moving force by which we attract the people and circumstances necessary for the completion of our plans.

(3.7) Fear may be eliminated by an understanding and recognition of the true source of power.

(2.7) If our desires are in harmony with the forward movement of the great whole, forces will be set in motion to irresistibly bring about the desired result.

(1.7) The result of the action and interaction between the individual and the Universal, is cause & effect. Every thought is a cause. Every condition is an effect.

The forward movement of the great whole is the progress of nature toward completion.

kam chakr (MSM1c)

(1.3) We relate to the objective world by the objective mind. The brain is the organ of this mind.

(2.3) The value of the subconscious is enormous. It guides us. It warns us. It controls the vital processes and is the seat of memory.

(3.3) The solar plexus is the central point of distribution for energy which the body is constantly generating.

(8.3) The imagination can be cultivated by practicing mental exercise. It must receive nourishment or it can not survive.

The objective world is the object oriented physical world of form.  Mental exercise is any mental activity that strengthens our ability to consciously direct and maintain our concentrated attention.

(8.8) The ideal held steadily in mind attracts the conditions necessary for it’s fulfillment.

(3.8) Our predominant mental attitude determines conditions we meet in life.

(2.8) Our environment reflects conditions corresponding to our predominant mental attitude.

(1.8) Harmonious and desirable conditions are obtained by constructive thinking.

Each individual must determine their personal ideal state of being. Our predominant mental attitude is determined by the quality and consistency of our habitual thinking. Constructive thought is directed attention that supports our ideal state.



kam chakr (MSM1b)

(1.2) All possession is based on consciousness.

(2.2) Ease and perfection depend, entirely, upon the degree in which we cease to depend upon the conscious mind.

(3.2) The sympathetic system of nerves is the organ of the subconscious mind.

(8.2) The cultivation of the imagination leads to the development of the of the ideal, out of which our future emerges.

We are possessed by our thoughts. Mastery is a result of  intentional, habitual, conscious intention becoming “automatic” behavior.

(8.9) The development of imagination, insight, perception, and sagacity results in keen analytical observation.

(3.9) To awake the solar plexus, mentally state what is wanted.

(2.9) The law of attraction is cause & effect.

(1.9) Discord, inharmony, lack and limitation, are the result of destructive thinking.

Keen analytical observation is necessary to identify causes. All causes produce effects.

Destructive thinking is any thinking that does not support our ideal state.

kam chakr (MSM1a)

(1.1) The world without is a reflection of the world within.

(2.1) There are two modes of mental activity–conscious and subconscious.

(3.1) The cerebral-spinal system of nerves if the organ of the conscious mind.

(8.1) Imagination is a form of constructive thought. It is the light that penetrates new worlds of thought and experience; the mighty instrument by which every great discoverer or inventor opens the way from precedent to experience.

The world without is the work of objects and form. The world within is composed our of thoughts, influenced by psychological forces and biological drives, in relation to sensory information and filtered through ego.

Constructive thought supports our ideal state of being.

(8.10) Keen analytical information leads to opulence and harmony.

(3.10) Universal Mind/Brahma is the creative of principle of the universe.

(2.10) Thought is creative and will correlate with its object and bring it into manifestation.

(1.10) All power comes from within–the universal fountain of supply–the infinite energy of each individual, an outlet.

Keen analytical observation is necessary to identify causes that lead to effects.

Manipura (e) [reverse]

(8.26) Universal mind is omnipresent. It exists everywhere. There is nowhere it is not. It is, therefore, within you. It is all spirit and life.

(1.26) The controlling factor of every commercial pursuit is the mental element.

(2.16) The Universal can manifest itself, only, through the individual.

(3.6) This energy can be controlled and directed by conscious thought.

Universal Mind/Brahma is the unlimited creative principle of nature, and expresses itself through the conscious thoughts (mental element) of the individual.

(3.5) The result of a disruption of energy throughout the body is every ill which the human race has been afflicted.

(2.15) Thought is the connecting link between the finite and the infinte.

(1.25) Thought is transmuted into character and character is the magnet that creates the environment of the individual.

(8.25) Universal Mind is the totality of all existence.

The finite is the individual. The infinite is the Universal.

Manipura (c) [reverse]

(8.28) Our ability to think is our ability to act upon unlimited creative potential/Universal Mind and bring desire into manifestation for the benefit of ourselves and others.

(1.28) Concentration operates by the development of the powers of perception, wisdom, intuition, and sagacity.

(2.18) Many fail to secure harmonious conditions because they do not understand this law of causation; there is no polarity, they have not found the circuit.

(3.8) Our predominant mental attitude determines the conditions we meet in life.

We act upon Universal Mind by consciously directing our attention.

The law of causation is cause & effect. Every thought of the individual is a cause and every condition we encounter is an effect as expressed by unlimited creative potential in accordance with our thought.

(3.3) The solar plexus is the central point of distribution for energy which the body is constantly generating.

(2.13) Knowledge of cause & effect allows us to plan courageously and execute fearlessly.

(1.23) The controlling factor in this method of thought is spiritual truth.

(8.23) To absolutely convince yourself of the truth concerning the conditions you desire to see manifested in life is the method for destroying all forms of fear.

Spiritual truth is when our thoughts are aligned with our actions. We feel what we believe.

To absolutely convince yourself of the conditions you desire is belief.