1 | 2 (reverse) 18-13

(1.18) The secret to the solution of every problem is to apply spiritual truth.

(2.18) Many fail to secure harmonious conditions because they do not understand this law. There is no polarity. They have not found the circuit.

(2.17) Causation depends upon polarity. The Universal is the positive side of the battery of life. The individual in the negative, and thought forms the circuit.

(1.17) The nature of truth is spiritual.

(1.16) We may know the truth by a recognition of the fact that truth is the vital principle of the universe and, therefore, omnipresent.

(2.16) The Universal creates form by means of the individual.

Truth is the nature of our thoughts, our intentions and will (spiritual). Polarity may also be understood as paradox. The non duality of paradox is the conscious individual; the individual (finite) who has become “lucid” in the waking dream and we begin to understand that our thoughts determine the truth of our experience. If our thoughts conflict with our actions, the “premise” is false.

The Universal is infinite.

(2.15) Thought is the connecting link between the finite and the infinite.

(1.15) If the premise if false, we are unable to form a conception of results that may ensue.

(1.14) With knowledge of the truth, we can readily predict the outcome of any action based on a true premise.

(2.14) Life originates in the inorganic world only by the introduction of a living form; there is no other way.

(2.13) A knowledge of cause and effect allows us to plan courageously and execute fearlessly.

(1.13) A knowledge of the truth is the underlying condition necessary for every business transaction and social relation.

Thought becomes form when we make a judgement on the nature of conditions. Ruminating mind is constantly engaged in this process to try and define experience. If our thoughts are synchronized with our actions and beliefs, the “premise” is true. Every thought is a cause, every condition is an effect. Power is our ability to change conditions, hence, possessions are only of value if they allow us to change conditions. Constructive thinking is directing our attention toward concepts that support our ideal state.


2nd Key reverse (even)

(2.30) We receive thought, which is substance in equilibrium and is constantly being differentiated in form by what we think.

(2.28) The law of growth depends upon reciprocal action. The individual is complete at all times and this makes it possible to receive only as we give.

(2.26) The Means of Existence are carried into effect by the law of love.

(2.24) The Universal can manifest itself, only, though the individual.

(2.22) We may control other forms of intelligence by a recognition of Self as an individualization of Universal Intelligence.

When others direct their attention to us, we “receive” substance in equilibrium. We mold this substance by our response or reaction; the story we tell ourselves about their directed attention.

Nature functions by the law of growth which, necessarily, is the absence of excess.  The Means of Existence/spirituality is the individuals ability to access the unlimited creative force of the Universal, which needs the individual to think up ideas and concepts to give experience form. Each conscious individual is an outlet of this creative potential, regardless of their awareness of the connection between their thoughts and creative potential.

(2.20) Thought will correlate with its object and bring it into manifestation because thought is a product of the spiritual man and spirit is the creative principle of the universe.

(2.18) Many fail to secure harmonious conditions because they do not understand this law. There is no polarity. They have not found the circuit.

(2.16) The Universal creates form by means of the individual.

(2.14) Life originates in the inorganic world only by the introduction of a living form. There is no other way.

(2.12) Possessions are of value only as they confer power.

Thought suggests desired outcomes/form to creative potential (The Universal) regardless of or intent. This ability is what makes the individual spiritual. This interaction forms the battery of life. The Universal is the positive side, the individual is the negative, and thought forms the circuit.

We introduce life by thought and action. Power is our ability to change conditions, thus, possessions are only of value if they confer this ability.

(2.10) Thought is creative energy and will correlate with its object and bring it into manifestation.

(2.8) Our environment reflects conditions corresponding to our predominant mental attitude.

(2.6) We may impress the subconscious by mentally stating what is wanted.

(2.4) Conscious mind has the faculty of discrimination. It had the power of reasoning. It is the seat of the will and may impress the subconscious.

(2.2) Ease and perfection depend, entirely, upon the degree in which we cease to depend upon the conscious mind.

Thought is creative energy, which is why it can “communicate” with the Universal-the source of all creative potential. As a result, our environment is constantly perceived through the filter of our thoughts.  Intentionally directing our attention, habitually, allows us to replace subconscious defaults with defaults that support our ideal state.  It is up to conscious mind must take this initiative. Habitual behavior/repetition is the way to achieve this.


1st Key (reverse/even)

(1.22) [As a result of concentration]… invisible forces are set in motion to bring about the desired result.

(1.24) The nature of our desires must be in harmony with natural law.

(1.26) The controlling factor of every commercial pursuit is the mental element.

(1.28) Concentration operates by the development of perception, wisdom, intuition and sagacity.

(1.30) The symbol is only the outward form of the spiritual reality within, therefore, unless we possess the spiritual reality, the form disappears.

All states of consciousness have a corresponding vibration. This vibration is like a magnetic force and attracts to us conditions that correspond with the nature of our thought. Thought alters perception, and perception dictates how we will react or respond to conditions, which creates new conditions.

If we want to participate in the creation of ideal conditions, we must ensure our thoughts support the conditions we desire. It is not enough to desire abundance while thinking/concentrating on lack and poverty., or whatever it is you desire.

The mental element is our ability to direct our attention; to concentrate. This ability develops as a result of an awareness that perception is the filter of our experience, wisdom is the ability to make decisions free of bias, intuition is a knowing that does not depend on reason, and sagacity is discernment.

We must recognize that all form/conditions we experience are a reflection of what we are thinking and feeling, as directed by biological drives and psychological forces. Only with this knowledge can step beyond these drives and forces to become an observer of our experience, at which point Self can make decisions independent of our defaults.

(1.20) A recognition of the omniscience of spiritual power and a desire to be a recipient of its beneficial effects is necessary for spiritual methods to be used.

(1.18) The secret to the solution to every problem is to apply spiritual truth.

(1.16) We may know the truth by a recognition of the fact that truth is the vital principle of the Universe and, therefore, omnipresent.

(1.14) If we know the truth, we can readily predict the results of any action based on a true premise.

(1.12) Constructive thinking is the condition precedent for all constructive action.

Omniscience is unlimited power. A desire to be a recipient of this unlimited power will empower us to be more vigilant, as we direct our attention to thoughts that support our ideal state. This ability to concentrate on thoughts that support our ideal state is spiritual truth. It is truth because we believe it. It is spiritual because it involves the interaction between the individual and unlimited creative potential (The Universal).

Truth is omnipresent because every conscious mind has the ability to believe.  Unless our actions are supported by our thoughts, we are not living our truth.

Constructive thinking and action support our ideal state/desire.

(1.2) All possession is based on consciousness.

(1.4) We relate to the Universal Mind by the subconscious mind. The solar plexus is the organ of this mind.

(1.6) Our ability to think is our power to act upon unlimited creative potential and bring the object of our thought into manifestation.

(1.8) Harmonious and desirable results are the result of constructive thinking.

(1.10) All power is from within-the Universal fountain of supply–the infinite energy of each individual, an outlet.

We are constantly possessed by altering states of consciousness produced by our response or reaction to biological drives and psychological forces.

Unlimited creative potential/power (Universal MIND) is the means by which SELF can override these default drives and forces. This is most effective when we reprogram our defaults. We do this observing the drives and forces, and then consciously making a decision that supports our ideal state. This is Constructive Thinking.


(1.20) A recognition of the omnipresence of spiritual power and a desire to be a recipient of its beneficial effects are necessary for spiritual methods to be used.

Spiritual power is the power os the individual to think. This power is omnipresent because it exists within every thinking individual. A desire to be a recipient of its beneficial effects refers to the initiative of the individual to direct their attention to produce a specific change of perception/result. This conscious participation is what we call spiritual methods.

(1.19) The advantage of spiritual methods is they are always available.

Spiritual Methods are always available because as long as we are conscious, we can (re)direct our attention.

(1.18) The secret to the solution of every problem is to apply spiritual truth.

Truth is whatever we direct our attention to. It is spiritual because or thoughts interact with creative potential, which determines our perception of conditions.

(1.17) The nature of truth is spiritual.

Directed attention produces a corresponding feeling. Feeling is the basis for belief, hence, truth.

(1.16) We may know the truth by a recognition of the fact that truth is the vital principle of the universe and, therefore, omnipresent.

What we believe (truth) is the catalyst for all perception. Perception, in turn, produces action. This is what makes belief/truth the vital principle.

(1.15) If the premise is false, we are unable to form a conception of the results that may ensue.

A false premise is when the story we are told and/or believe contradicts with our thought and/or desire. These contradictions create neurosis.

(1.14) If we know the truth, we can readily predict the outcome of any action based on a true premise.

A true premise is when our belief is in sync with our desires.

(1.13) A knowledge of the truth is the underlying condition necessary for every business transaction and social relation.

A knowledge of the truth is a knowledge of what we, and others, believe.

(1.12) Constructive thinking is the condition precedent for all constructive action.

Constructive action is action that supports our ideal state/desire. Constructive thinking is action that supports our ideal state/desire.

(1.11) Well-doing is the imperative condition for all well-being.

Well-doing refers to how we treat others. Well-being refers to how we feel about ourselves.




TTM criss-cross #1

(3.1) The Cerebral Spinal System of nerves is the organ of the conscious mind.

(6.1) Some of the effects that can be produced by electricity are heat, light, power, and music.

(1.11) Well doing is the imperative condition of all well being.

(4.11) Any purpose in life may be achieved by a scientific understanding of the spiritual nature of truth.

(7.11) The degree of harmony we attain is determined by our ability to appropriate what we desire for our growth from each experience.

(2.21) Individuals are measured by the degree of intelligence they manifest.

(5.21) Whenever we become conscious of power it is manifested in the objective world; it is brought forth into tangible expression.

(8.21) Every system of metaphysics depends upon a knowledge of the truth concerning ourselves and the world.

Our senses send information to the brain via the Cerebral Spinal System. In the same way that wires carry messages from devises to the source of electricity. We feel how we act. A scientific understanding is information we have gained through observation. “Appropriate information we have learned” in applying the knowledge we have gained. Our degree of intelligence is is measured by our conscious state. Awareness of knowledge brings the unseen into view. A knowledge of the truth is our awareness of how our thoughts are creating our perceptions of reality, upon which we make decisions that will lead to what conditions next present themselves.

(8.30) The result of an understanding of constructive thinking is a recognition that “god” is a symbol of Universal Mind, which really and truly does live within you and all things are possible and can be demonstrated by anyone with sufficient understanding. 

(5.21) The old regime is trying to cling to the fatalistic doctrine of dive election. The new regime recognizes the divinity of the individual; the democracy of humanity.

(2.30) We receive thought, which is substance in equilibrium and is constantly being differentiated in form by what we think.

(7.20) Insight allows us to understand the value in making application of knowledge we have gained. Many seem to think knowledge applies itself, which is–by no means–true.

(4.20) Wisdom is secured through concentration. It is an unfoldment. It comes from within.

(1.20) A recognition of the omnipotence of spiritual power and a desire to be a recipient of its beneficial effects are necessary for spiritual methods to be used.

(6.10) We are learning the basic methods of constructive thinking. This is allowing us to direct conditions and multiply effects in the objective world.

(3.10) The Universal is the creative principle of the universe.

God” is a mythological representation of each individuals ability to direct their attention toward manifesting ideal conditions. The thoughts of others are like clay that are molded by the story we tell ourselves about what they are thinking. Our story determines how we feel. Applying this information means taking responsibility for your thoughts. Concentration is the ability to direct attention. This generates an omnipotent power because thought is our connection to unlimited creative potential; the creative principle of the Universe. Directing our attention toward manifesting our ideal state is constructive thinking.




The Third Mountain (f)

(2.21) Individuals are measured by the degree of intelligence they manifest.

Intelligence is applied self-awareness.

(2.22) We may direct other forms of intelligence by a recognition of Self as an individualization of Universal intelligence.

Self-awareness is only “self” as perceived through the individuals senses. Consciousness is, itself, Universal and our personal experience of it does not change its quality. In the same way, air is Universal. My experience of air does not take away from your experience of it.

(2.23) Creative power originates in the Universal.

The Universal is the source of all consciousness; unlimited creative potential.,

(2.24) The Universal creates form by means of the individual.

The individual creates mental pictures, and mental pictures become form.

(2.25) Thought is the connecting link between the individual and the Universal.

Thought is the method by which the Individual accesses unlimited creative power.

(2.26) The Means Of Existence are carried into effect by the law of love.

The ME (Means of existence) are the individuals ability to create mental pictures.

(2.27) This law is brought in operation by the law of attraction.

The law of attraction is cause & effect.

(2.28) The law of growth depends upon reciprocal action. The individual is complete at all times and this makes it possible to receive only as we give.

The law of growth is how nature thrives.

(2.29) We give thought.

Directed attention toward others is how we give thought.

(2.30) We receive thought, which is substance in equilibrium and is constantly being differentiated in thought by what we think.

When others think of us, we receive thought.  This is substance in equilibrium until we make a decision to respond or react to their thought.

The Third Mountain (a)

(3.1) The Cerebral Spinal System of nerves is the organ of the conscious mind.

The Cerebral Spinal System is concerned with transmission of impulses from sense organs to the voluntary muscles.

(3.2) The Sympathetic System of nerves is the organ of the subconscious mind.

The Sympathetic System-responsible for flight or flight–is part of the Autonomic Nervous System, which is responsible for control of the bodily functions not consciously directed, such as breathing, the heartbeat, and digestive processes.

(3.3) The Solar Plexus is the central point of distribution for energy which the body is constantly generating.

The Solar Plexus is a complex of ganglia and radiating nerves of the sympathetic system at the pit of the stomach.

(3.4) This distribution may be interrupted by resistant, critical, discordant thought, but especially by fear.

If the nerves of our body were like a garden house, fear is like obstructing the flow of water through the hose.

(3.5) The result of this disruption is every ill which the human race has been afflicted.

When the flow of energy is obstructed, dis-ease is the result.

(3.6) This energy can be controlled and directed by conscious thought.

Conscious thought eliminates obstruction.

(3.7) Fear can be eliminated by an understanding and recognition of the true source of power.

The true source of power is our ability to consciously direct attention.

(3.8) Our predominant mental attitude determines the conditions we meet in life.

Our predominant mental attitude is the filter of all experience.

(3.9) To awake the solar plexus, mentally state what is wanted.

By mentally stating what is wanted, and consistently reinforcing this desire, we remove obstructions of energy and allow the solar plexus to radiate at the vibration that will “attract” our desire.

(3.10) Universal Mind is the creative principle of the universe.

Universal Mind is the source of unlimited creative potential. Directing Attention “travels” through the nerves of our body  and–upon reaching our Solar Plexus–is the “communicated” to Universal Mind.

The Second Mountain (f)

(1.21) The true method of concentration is to become so identified with the object of our thought that we’re conscious of nothing else.

We must learn to eliminate the tendency to direct our attention to thought that does not support our ideal state. Thought is like a cloud passing above us. It is not until we direct our attention toward it, that we become possessed by it.

(1.22) Invisible forces are, then, set in motion to bring about the desired result.

By directing our attention toward thought that supports our ideal state, we begin to filter experience through a strainer that eliminates the cause of undesired effects.

(1.23) Spiritual truth is the controlling factor in this method of thought.

Spiritual refers to the ability of the individual to intentionally think, in contrast to biological drives and psychological forces. Thought is creative and depends upon an interaction with unlimited creative potential that comes from the Universal.

(1.24) The nature of our desire must be in harmony with natural law.

Natural law is the principle/pattern of cause and effect. Most people fail because they become fixated on the effect. They desire the effect and begin to daydream about how their life will change with the effect. They treat conditions in life as supportive or unsupportive on the effect and completely neglect the cause.

Our desires must BECOME the cause, and the effects will take care of themselves. For example, the cause is practice, the effect is success. We must desire to practice and master whatever it is we are passionate about, and the success will follow.

(1.25) Thought is transmuted into character and character is the magnet that creates the environment of the individual.

Our directed attention creates a vibrational frequency that affects us physically and emotionally. Other people will “tune into” this frequency, whether consciously of subconsciously, and the impression that forms in others perception of our vibrational frequency is what we refer to as character.

(1.26) The control factor of every commercial pursuit is the mental element.

The mental element is the spiritual; our ability to consciously direct our attention, knowing that every thought is a cause and every condition, an effect.

(1.27) Mind is the ruler and creator of all form and all events occurring within form.

Mind is the “engine” that facilitates thought.

(1.28) Concentration operates by the development of wisdom, perception, intuition, and sagacity.

Wisdom is applied knowledge leading to sound judgement. Perception is a result of our predominant mental attitude. Intuition is the knowing that comes from within, absent of reason; what we viscerally feelSagacity is discernment.

(1.29) Intuition is superior to reason because it does not depend upon existence or memory and frequently brings about a solution to our problems by methods of which we are in entire ignorance.

Existence (past, present, or imagined future experience) and memory (how we remember past experience) create bias, which can impair our perception and decision making.

(1.30) The symbol is the outward form of the spiritual activity within, therefore, unless we possess the spiritual reality, the form disappears. 

Effects are symbols. They reflect our predominant mental attitude, as shaped by our directed attention.

Symbols are effects. A symbol without integrated knowledge and experience is just a symbol.

The Second Mountain (a)

(2.1) There are two modes of mental activity–conscious and subconscious.

All action is predicated by conscious or subconscious thought.

(2.2) Ease and perfection depend upon the degree in which we cease to depend upon the conscious mind.

Mastery “happens” when repeated action becomes so habitual, we do not have to consciously think about it anymore. Conversely, we may also be controlled by habitual behaviors that are self-destructive.

(2.3) The value of the subconscious is enormous. It guides us. It warns us. It controls the vital processes and is the seat of memory.

The subconscious controls all the “background” programs of our experience.

(2.4) The conscious mind has the faculty of discrimination. It has the power of reasoning. It is the seat of the will and may impress the subconscious.

The conscious mind navigates the polarities of experience (persona-shadow, ego-self, etc.) Wether is is tossed about or maintains equilibrium depends on the individuals ability to apply knowledge they have gained.

(2.5) Conscious mind is reasoning will subconscious mind is instinctive desire, the result of past reasoning will.

Conscious mind is like the USB device/drive by which we may “reprogram” the subconscious with our intention.

(2.6) To impress the subconscious, mentally state what is wanted.

We mentally state what is wanted by directing our attention toward visualizing and idealizing (feeling) the conditions we desire to manifest in our experience.

(2.7) If our desires our in harmony with the forward movement of the great whole, forces will be set in motion to bring about the desired result.

The forward movement of the great whole is natures plan to become conscious of itself. We participate in this plan by consciously recognizing that our experience of life is for this same purpose. The more we intentionally bring unconscious patterns and belief systems into conscious awareness, the more we are in harmony with this plan. Introspection, inductive reasoning, and critical thinking are key instruments available to us.

(2.8) Our experience reflects conditions corresponding to our predominant mental attitude.

Our predominant mental attitude is determined by our directed attention; how much time we spend thinking about specific things and what we feel when we think.

(2.9) This is cause & effect.

Our experience is shaped by internal conditions–thoughts and feelings.

(2.10) Thought is creative energy and will correlate with its object and bring it into manifestation.

Creative energy is spiritual energy. Thought is, thus, spiritual.

TFM Criss-Cross #4

(1.4) We relate to the Universal Mind by the subconscious mind. The solar plexus is the organ of this mind.

(4.4) Thought takes form by the law of growth.

(2.14) Life originates in the inorganic world only by the introduction of a living form. There is no other way.

(7.4) “Seeing” creates “feeling,” “feeling” creates “being.” First the mental, then the emotional, then the unlimited possibilities of achievement.

(8.14) Spiritual power depends upon use. Use determines its existence.

(3.24) We are related to this creative principle by our ability to think.

(5.14) This principle is founded on reason and experience.

(6.24) Thought is spiritual and, therefore, creative and will correlate with its object and bring it into manifestation.

Our ability to relate to Universal Mind is what produces a conscious use of cause and effect.  The inorganic world is the Primordial. Thought grows into form through visualization and idealization (feeling). Being is life. We must exercise this spiritual power by consciously directing attention (thinking). Reason and experience have revealed cause and effect. We know this is spiritual because creating effects depends upon interacting with creative potential (Universal).

(6.27) Millions are making use of mental therapeutics.

(5.17) We may account for strange and unusual phenomena by the creative power of thought.

(3.27) The rate of vibration may be changed by mental action.

(8.17) Thought is spiritual and therefore creative. To consciously direct thought is to therefore, direct circumstances, conditions, environment, and destiny.

(7.7) The necessary condition for the materialization of the ideal in the objective world is cause and effect, the natural law by which all conditions and experiences are brought about.

(2.17) Causation depends upon polarity. A circuit must be formed. the Universal is the positive side of the battery of life, the individual is the negative, and thought forms the circuit.

(4.7) The secret of power is service.

(1.7) The result of the interaction between the individual and the Universal is cause and effect. Every thought is a cause. Every condition is an effect.

Mental therapeutics is a conscious use of cause and effect. The nature of our thought produces a specific rate of vibration, which accounts for all phenomena.  Consciously directing our attention is contingent upon accepting responsibility. When we blame others we are reinforcing a message to our subconscious (which relates this message to  the Universal) that we are helpless, and the Universal creates these conditions for us to experience. The interaction between the conscious mind and the subconscious is polarity. We serve (and/or are possessed by) the object of our thought. As a result of this polarity, cause and effect is produced.